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WAKE ENT Specialists’ Audiology department is now offering the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment.

Tinnitus is characterized by a ringing or whistling in the ears, or buzzing and humming background sounds. It affects 20% of the US population; with 1-2% of these people severely affected. When tinnitus is severe, the results can be devastating – its interferes with sleep and concentration causes stress and interferes with work and relationships, often leading sufferers to a desperate feeling of loss of control over their lives putting a severe restriction on the tinnitus sufferers quality of life. In many cases, an individual’s work performance may be affected and could lead to the abnormal use of leave-time or sick days as well as motivation and productivity in the workplace.

This breakthrough treatment has been proven and validated over the last 14 years treating thousands of tinnitus sufferers worldwide and is now available in the U.S. Clinical research shows that the treatment is successful in over 90% of patients.

In comparison to other treatments the Neuromonics Tinnitus Treatment is the only customized medical device that matches the patient’s hearing and tinnitus profile and treats the cause of tinnitus versus the symptom of tinnitus (ringing in the ears), this is how and why the treatment provides a long-term benefit to tinnitus suffers.

This is a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that is convenient to use and takes place in your own environment for about 2-4 hours per day without disrupting your lifestyle. The treatment usually takes place over a six month period. Immediate relief is achievable (typically within 0-2 weeks of starting treatment) and the tinnitus disturbance continues to improve throughout the treatment and provides long-term benefit.

Many patients who have tinnitus also have hearing loss. For those patients for whom hearing loss is the primary complaint, we offer high-quality hearing instrument technology which incorporates a tinnitus “program”. This allows the patient to experience sound therapy when in quiet, to help him/her relax and potentially distract attention away from the tinnitus.

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