New Patients

Focused On Care

Wake ENT provides excellence in ear, nose, and throat care in a setting that always centers around you, the patient. Our priority is to offer progressive medical care while always keeping your best interest in mind. We’ll spend the time it takes to make sure all of your questions are answered. Our staff is committed to making you feel welcome, answering your medical questions with the care and concern you’ve been looking for, and providing consistent and excellent medical care by our board-certified physician who lives and works right here in Cary.

About Your Visit

Please bring the following information to your visit:

  • A list of all medications you are taking
  • A list of your questions/concerns
  • Health Insurance Card and Driver’s License
  • CT Imaging (not just the reports – get the actual films)
  • Thyroid patients (Please bring your Thyroid Ultrasound Results and Disc)
  • Copies of records from doctors related to your sinuses/nose/allergies/etc.
  • Fill out forms in ‘Patient Forms’ to bring with you to your appointment

In the event that you have to cancel an appointment, please call us 24 hours before your scheduled appointment so that we may offer the time slot to someone else.

Get in Touch

Contact Us Today

  • If you are a new patient, please fill out the New Patient Paperwork forms on the Patient Forms page.
    * Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI).

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