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Nasal Obstruction Symptom Relief.

Breathe Easier.

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Learn about how LATERA supports lateral nasal cartilage.

Is Lateral Wall Collapse Contributing To My Nasal Airway Obstruction?

Your doctor can determine the cause of your NAO. If your symptoms improve when you wear nasal strips, or when you perform a simple breathing test called the Cottle Maneuver (see illustration below), you may benefit from the support of the lateral cartilage in your nasal wall. nose 2. 1

COTTLE MANEUVER: Does your breathing improve when you pull on your cheek to hold your nostril to the side? If yes, talk to your doctor about options to support your lateral cartilage, which may include the LATERA- implant.

The LATERA Absorbable Nasal Implant is used to support the upper and lower lateral wall cartilage in your nose.

Are You Experiencing The Following Symptoms?

  • Nasal Congestion or Stuffiness
  • Nasal Blockage or Obstruction
  • Trouble Breathing Through Your Nose
  • Trouble Sleeping
  • Unable to Get Enough Air Through My Nose During Exercise or Exertion

Talk To Your Doctor To Find Out If LATERA Could Be Right For You.

INDICATIONS FOR USE: The LATERA Absorbable Nasal Implant Is indicated for supporting upper and lower lateral nasal cartilage.
CAUTION: Rx only.

The information provided is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your physician or qualified health provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Individual symptoms. situations and circumstances may vary.

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I travel frequently for work and have seen several ENT's along the East Coast---Dr. Gupta outshines all others and has always stayed abreast of technology and advances in medicine, I have had three surgeries total with him, he is an exceptional surgeon and health care provider. and has taken excellent care of me over the years.

Click here to read more reviews.

  • Crawford-Brown. Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Human Health Risk Analysis: 1997. Page 103.
  • Value calculated based on 2014 US population estimate from US Census and World Bank data in conjunction with incidence numbers cited in Stewart et al. Epidemiology and burden of nasal congestion. Intl) Gen Med 2010; 2010:3 37-45.
  • Rhee et al. Nasal Valve Surgery Improves Disease-Specific Quality of Life. Laryngoscope 115: March 2005.
  • Weyer, The Nasal Airway: A Critical Review; Facial Plast Sure 2016:32:17-21.
  • Camacho et al. The Effect of Nasal Surgery on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Device Use and Therapeutic Treatment Pressures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis; SLEEP, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2015.
  • Lin et al, Nasal Aerodynamics. May 14. 2015. Is lateral wall collapse contributing to my Nasal Airway Obstruction?  Your doctor can determine the cause of your NAO. If your symptoms improve when you wear nasal strips, or when you perform a simple breathing test called the Cottle Maneuver (see illustration below), you may benefit from support of the lateral cartilage in your nasal wall.
  • Data on file from a 30-patient Spirox clinical study conducted in Germany, in patients with confirmed nasal valve collapse as a primary factor for their nasal airway obstruction. Patients were 60% female, aged 24-77, 93% Caucasian. Study follow-up is ongoing. https://clinicaltrials. govict2/show/NCT021885897term=spirox
  • Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation (NOSE) survey is a quality of life survey supported by the MO Consensus Statement. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: 162 STEWART et al February 2004.
  • Data are individual results for a single site in the Spirox study, in 21 patients at 12 months.

Schedule a LATERA Nasal Implant Consultation

To learn more about Latera Nasal Implants or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today at our Cary, NC office at 919-851-5636 or in Sanford, NC at 919-774-6829 fill out an online contact form and our office will be in touch with you. Thank you for choosing Wake Ear, Nose, and Throat & Sinus Center!

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