What is Sinusitis and How is it Treated?

If you can’t get your sinus infection under control, our ENT doctors in Cary, NC, may be able to help.

While most people will deal with a sinus infection at some point in their lifetime, in most cases this condition will go away with simple at-home treatments. However, if your sinus infection feels like it’s been going on forever and nothing seems to be getting rid of your symptoms, it’s time you turned to our Cary, NC, otolaryngologist, Dr. Pankaj Gupta, for treatment.

So, what exactly is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is just another way of saying that you have a sinus infection. A sinus infection occurs when the nasal passages become inflamed or begin to swell. If the swelling becomes too severe it can lead to blockages in the sinus cavities or cause a buildup of mucus. As a result, the germs that stay trapped in the nose can lead to a sinus infection.

What causes sinusitis?

This condition may be the result of a cold, allergies, nasal polyps or a deviated septum.

Are there different kinds of sinusitis?

A sinus infection may be acute, subacute, chronic or recurrent. In the majority of cases, sinusitis is acute, meaning that symptoms only last between two to four weeks. Those with subacute infections will deal with symptoms that last between four to 12 weeks. If you have a chronic form of sinusitis then symptoms could go on for 12 weeks or more. If you have recurrent sinusitis it means that the infection may come and go several times throughout the year.

What are the symptoms of sinusitis?

If you have an acute form, you may deal with facial pressure, a stuffy or runny nose, nasal congestion or cough. Bad breath, fever and dental pain can also occur in those with acute sinusitis.

If you have chronic sinusitis, you may also have thick, green postnasal drip that is accompanied by congestion and/or facial pain. Our doctors may also detect pus in the blocked or inflamed sinus cavity.

How is this condition treated?

If you have an acute sinus infection simple over-the-counter decongestants will usually do the trick to help ease your symptoms while your body fights the infection. In some cases, we may prescribe a round of antibiotics.

We will also provide you with a list of simple at-home measures like warm compresses or nasal sprays that can also manage your symptoms.

Those with severe, chronic or recurrent forms of sinusitis that don’t seem to respond to conservative treatments or medication may have to consider endoscopic surgery to treat the blockage.

Don’t let facial pressure and nasal congestion be common issues. Turn to Wake Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists in Cary, NC, to get the relief you need. Let’s talk about your options and see whether balloon sinuplasty is right for you.

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