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The Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis

While it’s fairly common for people to experience an acute sinus infection every once in a while there are some people who deal with a more persistent form known as chronic sinusitis. This causes the nasal cavities that surround the sinuses to become inflamed. This inflammation becomes so severe that it affects drainage and causes mucus to build up. For sinusitis to be considered chronic symptoms must be present for at least eight weeks despite using standard and effective treatments to eliminate the condition. Learn more about chronic sinusitis from your ENTs in Cary, NC.

The Symptoms of Chronic Sinusitis

If you’ve ever had acute sinusitis then the symptoms you experience with a chronic infection are often the same. You must be experiencing at least two symptoms in order to be diagnosed with chronic sinusitis:

Nasal congestion that makes it difficult to breathe through the nose
A decreased sense of taste or smell
Facial pain or swelling
Drainage is thick and either yellow or green
You may also experience these other symptoms:

Ear pain
Sore throat
Bad breath
The Causes of Chronic Sinusitis

There are many infections and conditions that can leave you susceptible to chronic sinus infections including,

Facial trauma (e.g. broken facial bone)
Complications of other health problems like HIV or cystic fibrosis
Nasal polyps
Deviated septum
Respiratory infections
Diagnosis and Treatment

When you come into our office for care the first thing we will do is examine your nose and throat. We may need to use a special instrument to keep your nose open while we perform our exam. This exam will help us determine if there are any physical abnormalities like nasal polyps that may be causing your sinus infection. An endoscopy may also be used, along with imaging technology to help us determine the cause of your condition. Once we determine the root cause of your chronic sinusitis we can create an effective and unique treatment plan.

Chronic sinusitis treatment is designed to reduce inflammation, improve drainage and reduce how many flare-ups you experience. Some treatment options include,

Saline irrigation
Nasal or oral corticosteroids
Antibiotics (if your chronic sinusitis is bacterial)
If you are experiencing symptoms that seem indicative of chronic sinusitis then it’s time you saw your ear, nose and throat specialists Dr. Pankaj Guptain Cary, NC. Call us at (919) 851-5636 today!

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