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Mitigating Your Allergy Symptoms

Your watery eyes itch. Your nose is running, and your throat feels scratchy. Do you have a cold? No, these are symptoms of your seasonal allergies in Cary, NC. How can you feel better? Dr. Pankaj Gupta, board-certified otolaryngologist, suggests several common strategies which reduce the unpleasantness of allergies.

What are your triggers?

Common allergy triggers–things or environmental conditions which instigate symptoms–are dust mites, pollen, wood smoke, mold and animal dander. Many individuals experience sensitivities to certain foods, medications, and fabrics as well.

While Dr. Gupta recommends you seek testing and treatment (shot therapy, sublingual drop therapy or over the counter medication) for more severe symptoms, less problematic allergies can be dealt with using simple lifestyle changes. These changes are especially helpful with seasonal allergies–those sensitivities which happen as winter changes to spring, summer changes to fall and so on.

So know your triggers, and plan to control them as they enter your environment or you enter theirs.

Simple preventives in Cary

There are many things you can do daily which help mitigate allergy discomforts. Just think about them, apply them intentionally and routinely, and you’ll experience less intense symptoms. Here are some great examples from Dr. Gupta and from the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology:

Leave your shoes by the door. You’ll keep your floors clean and track far less tree and grass pollen into the house.
Wipe your dog down with a damp washcloth after a walk. This removes the pollen and road dust your pet inevitably picks up on his or her coat. Regarding cats, keep them inside if at all possible.
Take a shower after you have been working or working out (jogging, walking, biking) outdoors. You, too, drag pollen into your home. The steam from your shower also opens your nasal passages and airway for better breathing.
Reduce the humidity in your home with a dehumidifier. Less than 60 percent is ideal so mold growth is inhibited.
Wear sunglasses to keep pollen from entering your eyes, and stay indoors if possible between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when pollen is at its highest.
In warm weather, close up the house and car, and use your air conditioning. Keep your HVAC units clean, and invest in HEPA filters to reduce the dust, animal dander, pollen, mold and other airborne particulates. Buy an allergen-reducing vacuum cleaner, and keep your floors and furniture clean.
Wear long-sleeves and pants when working in dusty or pollen-filled environments.
Check your local TV and radio news for area pollen counts during peak seasons. Also, there are many allergy alert apps for your smartphone, tablet or other mobile devices which can keep you informed on current trigger levels in your area.
You can feel betterGet relief from your allergies in Cary, NC. Contact Wake Ear, Nose And Throat Specialists for more information or a one on one consultation with Dr. Gupta. Call (919) 851-5636.

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